#1 Skip B version to R Version Fw 6270 von Lucaralf 06.10.2014 07:10


I'm French

I drive a Seat Toledo III in May 2009, I had a RNS Version B and I just bought a RNS R version with the SSD and the LED screen.
I could change the Bootscreen on the B, I am unable to do so on the R version
I had the panel in the top right of the speed limit, I have more

is there a new firmware, I thought I read that the 6276 would be available, may be it corrects the problem?

Sorry I go through Google translate.
thank you

#2 RE: Skip B version to R Version Fw 6270 von jomafi 06.10.2014 09:05

Nope, no correction with 6276. The problem is the related software who was needed to generate correct SWL-CD. You got with "old" versions always success, but nothing happend on bootscreen. I'm testing atm with setconfig and new related modules to fix this problem and get bottscreen cd working.

#3 RE: Skip B version to R Version Fw 6270 von Lucaralf 06.10.2014 23:03

Ok for the bootscreen, for against my worries speed limit sign in the top right? 6270 FW runs it, you have it with the FW 6270/6276?
thank you

#4 RE: Skip B version to R Version Fw 6270 von Lucaralf 07.10.2014 17:16

I Found for the speed limit sign !!

When you are ok for bootscreen, i could test if you want ;)

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