Please find attached the complete version. Please note that this does not work as it is. One reason could be some kind of limit on the number of categories allowed by RNS 510. I never managed to find this out. If someone could find this out it would be great. Else try to cut it down to the categories you need and burn it.
Between that, to everyone who's wondering where I absconded for a while. I had many problems with my RNS 510 and had lost interest in it. It kept reseting all the time. VW tried everything possible to fix it including replacing my RNS 510. Finally I found out the problem myself. It was not a RNS 510 problem. It was something else that was crashing it. No proper error handling has been coded into RNS 510 by VW. Nonetheless, it is fixed now and I am back. Hoping to do some updates to the packet now.
Edit: Attached complete version
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