DVD Label to use: CD_7337 (else edit cdrom.toc) Please do a reset of the Navi after the DVD is detected. Else some icons/shadows might not be displayed
RNS510 Plus Icon Pack 1.0
Download Plus Icons: http://tiny.cc/rns510plus_icons_1-0 (rapidshare) The POI Plus packet already has all the required icons/shadow files. This download and integration steps below are required only when you want to integrate icons not already added to POI Plus packet.
The pack includes full-color and 300-color icons. I have used full colors in the POI Paket and it seems to work. If there are any problems please replace with 300-color icons.
Most of the plus icons are borderless and transparent. Hence the default shadow icons files (rectangle and round shadow icons by VW) will make the icons look ugly on the Navi in 2D view.
For example,
I have integrated new shadow files for all the POIs in the POI Plus Paket. If you would like to add shadows for any other POI, follow steps below (using SHELL.PNG as example).
1. Add POI using POInspect0r 2. Use SHELL.PNG as the icon 3. Open GER_EXT.LSC in Notepad (++) 4. Look for the line similiar to
This is the new length of the icon file path, that is,
= 34 Characters In the same way check the length for each new shadow file you add and change the S0XX value. Now the icon would look like this in 2D mode 8. You can leave the 3D shadow as default or change it to POI_SHADOW_ROUND_3D.png (from VW) 9. You will find shadow files for all icons in the pack. If something is missing, this is a hint to use the default VW shadow icons.
I've made a new feature request for POIspector to support shadow files. If this feature is accepted, we could spare the steps above.
If you don't like any icons or have any other feedback, let me know.
Have fun with the pack and new icons!
Testen/Nutzen auf eigene Gefahr, aber soll funktionieren.
Thanks for your great work. I tried you poi package today. I even managed to replace one category with my "Rossman POIs", adding your icon and changing both default shadows to the round ones.
Unfortunately I realised that the "Blitzer-Icons" don't look that good, and I think it's because of the yellow color. The icons should be more prominent between the other icos on the map. Any combination of red and white would improve the visibility of the Blitzer locations. Actually I liked the triangle shaped icon in your first list (below the Kaufland icon). Maybe you could make the other Camera-Icons like that one?
And thanks for your feedback on icons. I too was thinking out loud about Blitzer icons. The yellow doesn't look good especially in "Nacht" mode. I was looking for a official symbol for Blitzer, but Deutschland doesn't have one. The one I used I guess is from UK. I had also tried something like this But this wasn't looking good too.
I will look out for something better. Also I am not happy with icons like Real, Rewe etc as they look a bit too small. This because I maintained the length:width ratio of the official logo and 34x39 is too small for it.
In general did you like the other icons without borders?
About the Blitzer icon: I was thinking about the one on this list. Below the Kaufland icon.
in general, well, the borderless icons look good indeed. Though, a border would improve visibility in general. - Maybe we just have to get used to the new look.
more then in the FSauerland Package? i'm asking because I only want to install once again, and then with the most POIs i can get :-) the thing with kostenlose Parkplätze sounds really really good!
Hallo! bin jetzt schon länger beim vergleichen der verschiedenen POI-Versionen....z.B. rns510plus_v7_west_7337_1-0 oder V7-West_FSAuerland__7335 usw..
Kann mir jemand sagen welches nun das Neueste ist oder welches am besten funktioniert?
Ich habe zur Zeit das V7-West_FSAuerland__7335 Paket drauf und im Navi wird nun die Kategorie Radar zwei mal angezeigt. Einmal mit "Radar" und dann nochmals mit "Radar DE-AT-CH"...irgendwie finde ich das verwirrend und weiß nicht so recht was ich nun aktivieren soll.
Hallo, ich habe derzeit die nirmals collection im RNS. Mir gefallen die Symbole besser und die Zusammenstellung ist auch nicht schlecht. Wirklich gut finde ich z.b. die Selektion von kostenlosen Parkplätzen.
Hallo zusammen, scheinbar stelle ich mich zu dumm an :-( wollte auch diese Version der POIS hier integrieren. Aber mein RNS sagt immer CD/DVD Fehler.... schon 3 DVD`s versemmelt. Hat mir mal jemand eine "DAU" sichere Anleitung. Die original Navi DVD V7 Westeuropa ist vorhanden. Vielen Dank im Voraus....
ganz oben wurde geschrieben, dass du das DVD-Label ändern musst ("DVD Label to use: CD_7337 (else edit cdrom.toc)")
Die Nummer in dieser Datei muss mit dem DVD-Label übereinstimmen (öffne sie einfach mal mit einem Text-Editor, dann siehst du es).
Könnte mir jemand erklären, wie ich die POIs in mein RNS510 bekomme? Muss ich die mit auf die DVD brennen, wenn ja wie? Habe diesen RNS510-POI-Inspector, bräuchte nur noch eine acc-Datei...