» RNS510 » Firmware » Skip B version to R Version Fw 6270
I'm French
I drive a Seat Toledo III in May 2009, I had a RNS Version B and I just bought a RNS R version with the SSD and the LED screen.
I could change the Bootscreen on the B, I am unable to do so on the R version
I had the panel in the top right of the speed limit, I have more
is there a new firmware, I thought I read that the 6276 would be available, may be it corrects the problem?
Sorry I go through Google translate.
thank you
Nope, no correction with 6276. The problem is the related software who was needed to generate correct SWL-CD. You got with "old" versions always success, but nothing happend on bootscreen. I'm testing atm with setconfig and new related modules to fix this problem and get bottscreen cd working.
Ok for the bootscreen, for against my worries speed limit sign in the top right? 6270 FW runs it, you have it with the FW 6270/6276?
thank you
I Found for the speed limit sign !!
When you are ok for bootscreen, i could test if you want ;)