Logo colors
Dropbox Blue
is our primary color and used most often
is used on darker backgrounds
Dark grey
is used sparingly, like cologne
Thanks for not embellishing on the logo with shadows, patterns, intricate backgrounds, or elaborate gold jewelry.
Dropbox colors
White canvases and cool grey copy splashed with accents of Dropbox blue.
Dropbox Blue
Cool Grey
Cool Grey
Cool Grey
Spacing considerations
Keep at least a Dropbox worth of space between the Logotype and other elements.
When using the Glyph, it's best to leave about 30% whitespace between it and adjacent elements.
These diagrams are precise but we think your best approximation is just fine.
Leave about 30% whitespace between the Dropbox Glyph, or Dropbox app icons and other elements.
Reduce the Glyph by 10% when putting it inside of a circle.
Circles are nice.
Thanks for not adding a tagline or motto to our logo.
Dropbox for Business wordmark
Application icons
Use our icons when you're mentioning our specific applications.
Windows 8
In writing
The "b" in Dropbox is always lowercase and the "D" is always capitalized
Drop box
Write Dropbox in plain text rather than embedding the logo into text
Dropbox artwork
Please don't use our images, drawings, illustrations, or other assets without permission.
When using our brand materials, please include the statement: "Dropbox and the Dropbox logo are trademarks of Dropbox, Inc."
Dropbox screenshots
Feel free to use unaltered screenshots for instructional purposes. Please don't superimpose graphics, change the way our products look, or include any user information in your screenshots. You can annotate as long as the annotations are clearly distinct from the original screenshot. You can find our screenshots in our press kit.
Use of our brand materials
In general
Please don't use our name, logos, or screenshots ("brand materials") in ways that may be confusing, misleading, or suggest our sponsorship, endorsement, or affiliation. For example, your name and logo should be more prominent than the Dropbox name or logo. And please don't edit or change the Dropbox logo — we like it how it is!
Advertising, promotional, and sales materials
Please check in with us before using our logo on websites, products, packaging, manuals, or for other commercial or product use. It's ok to say in text "works with Dropbox" or "compatible with Dropbox" (as long as it's true!).
Education and instruction (books, guides, publications, and conferences)
You can use our brand materials for educational and instructional purposes, but please remember that it shouldn't be confusing or misleading, or suggest our sponsorship. We generally don't allow use of our logos or screenshots on book covers, for example.

Also remember to include this statement (or something like it) in your printed materials: "(Title) is not affiliated with or otherwise sponsored by Dropbox, Inc."
Products, websites, names and logos
Please don't use our name as a part of your company or service name, website name, trade name, or product name. Don't use our logo or incorporate our logo into yours. Don't use a domain name containing "dropbox" or any confusingly similar words.
Functional Uses (UIs / buttons)
Developers of our API can use brand materials in accordance with our Developer Branding Guidelines.
Linking to Dropbox
If you use Dropbox and want to use our logo to link to our site, you can use our logo if it meets the rest of these guidelines. For example, "we use Dropbox! [linked logo or link near logo]" or "here's a photo set (hosted on Dropbox!)."
While we make lots of t-shirts with our logo on them, we don't generally allow third parties to make, sell, or give away anything with our name or logo on it.
More questions?
Feel free to email brand@dropbox.com. It helps if you send a mockup of your intended use so we can be specific in our response. We'll do our best to get back to you ASAP but please give us two weeks to get back to you. (Please note that no response doesn't mean approval and that we're currently only able to respond to inquiries made in English).
By using Dropbox brand materials, you agree to the Dropbox Terms of Service, these Dropbox branding guidelines, and all Dropbox rules and policies, as may be updated from time to time. You also acknowledge that Dropbox is the sole owner of Dropbox trademarks, promise not to interfere with Dropbox's rights in them, and acknowledge that goodwill derived from their use accrues only to Dropbox. Dropbox may review use of the branding materials at any time and reserves the right to terminate or modify any use.