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I lost my computer or mobile device! How can I delete the Dropbox folder from it?

If you're a Dropbox Pro or Dropbox for Business user, you can use remote wipe to delete your Dropbox folder from a linked device.

The admin of a Dropbox for Business team can only use remote wipe to delete a team member's work Dropbox folder from a linked device. If you've connected your personal Dropbox to your work Dropbox, you can use remote wipe to delete your personal Dropbox folder from a device as well.

Remote wipe the Dropbox folder from a device

  1. Sign in to your personal Dropbox account or your Dropbox for Business account.
  2. Click on your name at the top right of any page to open the account menu.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. On the Security tab, find the device that has the Dropbox folder you want to delete, and click the X on its right.
  5. In the pop-up window, select the option Delete files from this computer the next time it comes online and then click Unlink.