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Dropbox for Business
Sharing files and folders
Payments and billing
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Dropbox for Business
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Dropbox for Business
Getting started
4 Steps to set up Dropbox for Business
Dropbox for Business Resources
How to join Dropbox for Business
Dropbox for Business admin guide
Step 1: Invite new members
Welcome to Dropbox for Business!
Dropbox Support
How do I join Dropbox for Business as a new user?
Get Started with Dropbox for Business
Step 2: Install Dropbox
Step 4: Share your folders
Step 3: Add your files
Step 5: Manage your team
Manage a Dropbox for Business account
Remote wipe overview
How do I administer sharing for my team?
How do I delete a member's account from my Dropbox for Business team?
How do I view the amount of licenses and space left on our Business account?
How do I disable or enable the Public folder for members of my Dropbox for Business team?
How do I add licenses or space to my Dropbox for Business account?
How can I keep track of my Business account's activity?
Account transfer overview
Will everyone on my team have access to my files?
How do I cancel my Dropbox for Business trial?
Can I convert my existing account to Dropbox for Business? What does that look like?
What happens to my Pro subscription on a Dropbox for Business trial?
Account security
How do I administer sharing for my team?
How do I set up single sign-on (SSO) for my Business account?
I lost my computer or mobile device! How can I delete the Dropbox folder from it?
How do I ensure my Business account members keep two-step verification enabled?
Why can't I share stuff with people outside my Business account?
What visibility does connecting my Dropboxes give my admin over my accounts?
How do I track a device’s remote wipe status?
What control does my admin have over my work Dropbox?
Why do I see activity from Dropbox Support on my Business account's Activity page?
Sharing files and folders
How are shared folders different with Dropbox for Business?
How do I create a team folder for my Business account?
Why can't I share stuff with people outside my Business account?
I'm a Business account user. How do I rejoin a team folder that I've left or deleted?
Administer advanced settings
Does Dropbox support connecting through a proxy server?
How do I set up single sign-on (SSO) for my Business account?
How do I get Dropbox to work on my corporate network?
Frequently asked questions about single sign-on (SSO) for administrators
How can I use Active Directory to manage Dropbox for Business members?
How can I customize security in Dropbox for Business?
How do I change the name of my Business account?
Photos and videos
How do photos work in Dropbox for Business?
Can I use Carousel with Dropbox for Business?
Payments and billing
How do I cancel my Dropbox for Business trial?
How do I add licenses or space to my Dropbox for Business account?
How do I change my Dropbox for Business billing information?
How can I get a refund for my Dropbox for Business subscription?
Can I see the billing information of other administrators on my Dropbox for Business account?
Will my Dropbox for Business subscription renew automatically?
How do I view my Business account's billing history?
When does my Dropbox for Business subscription renew?
Manage team member accounts
How can I keep track of sharing activity in Dropbox for Business?
How do I use remote wipe to delete the Dropbox folder from a member’s device?
How do I allow only one Dropbox per computer?
How do I transfer a former team member's files to another member?
How do I use remote wipe when deleting a team member's account?
What exactly gets transferred when I use account transfer?
What's the best way to offboard team members?
How can I keep track of my account transfer activity?
What will account transfer look like for the recipient?
Email, password, and account access
How do I connect my personal Dropbox and work Dropbox?
Single sign-on (SSO) was turned on for our Business account. What do I need to do?
I'm a Dropbox for Business user. Why can't I sign in?
Manage multiple devices
How do I sync files between computers?
What happens when I connect a personal and work Dropbox on my devices?
What does it look like to have two Dropboxes on my devices?
What does it look like to connect a personal and a work Dropbox through my mobile device?
Manage multiple Dropbox accounts
How do I connect my personal Dropbox and work Dropbox?
How do I sign in to my personal Dropbox and work Dropbox on my devices?
How do I switch between my personal account and my Dropbox for Business account?
I'm a Dropbox for Business user. How do I move files between my Dropboxes?
Why did the name of my work Dropbox change?
How do I migrate an existing Basic or Pro Dropbox to Dropbox for Business?
How do I get extra space for connecting a personal and a work Dropbox?
If I’m already on Dropbox for Business, how do I connect a personal and a work Dropbox?
How does the multi-account feature affect Dropbox folder paths?
Frequently asked questions
What are the system requirements to run Dropbox?
Will everyone on my team have access to my files?
What happens if my work account is deleted from a Dropbox for Business team?
How do I make someone on my Business account an admin?
Do you offer a reseller program?
Why do I see activity from Dropbox Support on my Business account's Activity page?
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