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Sharing files and folders
Collaborating with shared folders
How do I share folders with other people?
How do I share a file or folder with others?
Can I share files with non-Dropbox users?
How can I tell if a file or folder is shared or private?
How do I unshare a shared folder?
Can I rename or move a shared folder?
How do I change the owner of a shared folder?
Can I set file permissions for members of my shared folders?
How do I remove a member from a shared folder?
How do I keep others from inviting people to my shared folder?
Can I share a folder that's in another shared folder?
Download files and folders
How do I force a file to download from the web?
Can I download entire folders on the web interface?
Getting started
How do I share folders with other people?
How do I link to a file or folder?
How do I share a file or folder with others?
How can I tell if a file or folder is shared or private?
Where is my Dropbox folder?
How do I get notified of changes in my Dropbox?
Do I need a Dropbox account to join a shared folder?
Different ways to share
Start sharing
Add files to your Dropbox
Can I share a folder that's in another shared folder?
How do I change the way dates are shown on the website?
Joining a shared folder
Will joining someone else's shared folder use my quota?
How do I leave a shared folder?
How do I rejoin a shared folder?
How do I join a shared folder I've been invited to?
Do I need a Dropbox account to join a shared folder?
Who is the owner of a shared folder?
Recover and restore files
How do I recover deleted files?
My files are missing. How do I get them back?
What is Extended Version History?
How do I select an event to recover deleted files from?
How do I recover previous versions of files?
How do I find a deleted or missing file in my Dropbox account?
Does Dropbox keep backups of my files?
What happens to my old and deleted file versions?
Space and storage
Is there a limit or maximum to how big my files can be?
Will joining someone else's shared folder use my quota?
How many files can I store in my Dropbox?
Syncing and uploads
What if Dropbox can't fit my hard drive? Can I select which files to sync?
How do I sync files between computers?
Why aren't certain files on one computer syncing to another?
How does syncing work?
How do I know when Dropbox is syncing?
How do I make Dropbox sync faster or control the bandwidth used?
What's a conflicted copy?
Can I have Dropbox sync files outside my Dropbox folder?
How much longer until Dropbox is finished uploading/syncing?
Does Dropbox always upload/download the entire file any time a change is made?
Will files I put in Dropbox be synced across other machines even if they're offline?
How does syncing work?
Dropbox for Business
I'm a Dropbox for Business user. How do I move files between my Dropboxes?
How can I keep track of sharing activity in Dropbox for Business?
Step 1: Invite new members
How do I create a team folder for my Business account?
I'm a Business account user. How do I rejoin a team folder that I've left or deleted?
Step 4: Share your folders
Step 3: Add your files
How do groups affect sharing permissions?
Frequently asked questions
What types of files can I store or view on Dropbox?
What happens to my old and deleted file versions?
Why did a shared folder become unshared?
Manage files and folders
How do I add or upload files to my Dropbox?
How do I upload files from my phone or tablet?
How do I move my Dropbox folder to a new location?
How do I delete files from Dropbox on my computer?
Can I rename or move a shared folder?
How do I rename a file or folder?
How do I move files between my two Dropboxes?
How do I select multiple files on the website?
How do I sort my files?
How do I sort by file name, kind, extension, size, or modified date on the website?
Why do I get an error when permanently deleting files?
How can I check that a shared folder is syncing?
Manage photos and videos
How do I share photos with other people?
How can I get my movie to play on my phone or tablet?
Why aren't my photos appearing on the Photos page?
How do I share and save screenshots with Dropbox?
Why aren't my photos appearing in the mobile app?
How do I copy my photos from iPhoto to Dropbox?
How do I copy my photos from iPhoto to Dropbox?
Why did Dropbox change the names of my photos?
Why don't my gallery links work anymore?
How do I upload files from my phone or tablet?
How do I remove files from my mobile device?
What kinds of files and documents are viewable on my phone or tablet?
How do I share a file?
Sending read-only links
How do I link to a file or folder?
How do I share a file or folder with others?
Can I share files with non-Dropbox users?
Why did my shared link stop working?
How can I tell if a file or folder is shared or private?
How do I force a file to download from the web?
Why were my links banned?
How do I unshare links to photos?
How do I remove a link to a file or folder?
How do I re-create a shared link that was broken?
How do I receive and open shared links?
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