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Payments and billing
Billing issues
Why did my credit card or PayPal payment fail?
How do I update my Dropbox Pro billing information?
Why does my bank statement show multiple charges for one upgrade?
Why did PayPal send me an email saying it canceled my automatically renewing subscription?
Pricing and account options
How much does Dropbox cost?
How do I update my Dropbox Pro billing information?
I already have a Pro plan. How do I downgrade or switch from an annual or monthly plan?
How do I cancel automatic renewals for my Dropbox Pro subscription?
Can I transfer my Pro subscription storage to another account?
Can I change the currency used to pay for my Dropbox Pro subscription?
Can I subscribe for more than one year and pay in advance?
Can I gift a Dropbox Pro subscription?
Invoices and receipts
Can I have an invoice for my Dropbox subscription?
What's the VAT number for Dropbox?
Why does my bank statement show multiple charges for one upgrade?
Can Dropbox change my invoice information?
Can I change the date I'm billed for my subscription renewal?
Upgrade or downgrade
How much does Dropbox cost?
How do I upgrade to a Dropbox Pro subscription?
How do I cancel my Pro subscription and return to a free Dropbox Basic account?
What happens to my existing storage quota when I purchase a Pro subscription?
I paid for a Pro subscription but didn't receive the updated space. How can I access my storage?
I want to upgrade to the Pro subscription from an app store.
Dropbox for Business
How do I change my Dropbox for Business billing information?
Will my Dropbox for Business subscription renew automatically?
How do I view my Business account's billing history?
When does my Dropbox for Business subscription renew?
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