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Manage account
Account security
Can I specify my own private key for my Dropbox?
How secure is Dropbox?
How can I protect my Dropbox account?
Two-step verification: An extra layer of security
I think my account was compromised. What do I do?
Security Overview
Manage files and folders
How do I share folders with other people?
How do I add or upload files to my Dropbox?
How do I move my Dropbox folder to a new location?
How do I delete files from Dropbox on my computer?
Can I download entire folders on the web interface?
Can I rename or move a shared folder?
How do I change the owner of a shared folder?
What types of files can I store or view on Dropbox?
Can I set file permissions for members of my shared folders?
How do I use remote wipe to delete the Dropbox folder from a member’s device?
Why do I get an error when permanently deleting files?
Manage multiple devices
How do I unlink or relink a computer, phone, or tablet from my account?
What happens when I connect a personal and work Dropbox on my devices?
Can I have two Dropbox accounts on the same computer or device?
How do I uninstall Dropbox?
How do I sign in to my personal Dropbox and work Dropbox on my devices?
Can I register for a Dropbox account on my mobile device?
What does it look like to have two Dropboxes on my devices?
How do I move my Dropbox to a new computer?
Can I sign out of just one app?
Is there a limit to the number of computers I can link to my account?
Does my existing Dropbox account work with my phone or tablet?
What are the system requirements for the Dropbox mobile app?
Manage multiple Dropbox accounts
How do I connect my personal Dropbox and work Dropbox?
How do I sign in to my personal Dropbox and work Dropbox on my devices?
What does it look like to have two Dropboxes on my devices?
I'm a Dropbox for Business user. How do I move files between my Dropboxes?
Why did the name of my work Dropbox change?
How do I migrate an existing Basic or Pro Dropbox to Dropbox for Business?
How do I get extra space for connecting a personal and a work Dropbox?
If I’m already on Dropbox for Business, how do I connect a personal and a work Dropbox?
What does it look like to connect a personal and a work Dropbox through my mobile device?
How does the multi-account feature affect Dropbox folder paths?
Advanced settings
Do I need to configure my firewall to work with Dropbox?
How do I get Dropbox to work on my corporate network?
Why does Dropbox require Mac Keychain access?
Getting started
How do I share folders with other people?
Can I share files with non-Dropbox users?
How do I delete my account?
What is the Public folder for?
How do I install Dropbox?
What is the Photos folder for?
Do you have Dropbox in my language?
What are the system requirements to run Dropbox?
How do I get notified of changes in my Dropbox?
What is Growl? How does Dropbox use it?
Download the Dropbox desktop application
Email and password
How do I choose a secure password for Dropbox?
Why did my password expire?
How do I change my password?
I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
How do I change my email address?
How do I verify my email address?
Manage space and storage
How much space does my Dropbox account have left?
Can I earn more space on my Dropbox account?
Will joining someone else's shared folder use my quota?
How do I change my account settings?
Is my Dell device eligible for the Dropbox space promotion?
How do I get extra space for connecting a personal and a work Dropbox?
Why haven’t I received my promotion space?
How many files can I store in my Dropbox?
Connecting Dropbox and Mailbox—frequently asked questions on space and storage.
How do I delete files?
How do I remove files from my mobile device?
What kinds of files and documents are viewable on my phone or tablet?
Can I register for a Dropbox account on my mobile device?
I lost my computer or mobile device! How can I delete the Dropbox folder from it?
How do I upload files?
Can I access Dropbox on my mobile device?
Does my existing Dropbox account work with my phone or tablet?
How do I play videos?
What does it look like to connect a personal and a work Dropbox through my mobile device?
What are the system requirements for the Dropbox mobile app?
Account settings
How do I upgrade to the latest version of the Dropbox application?
What is the Public folder for?
How do I change my account settings?
What is the Photos folder for?
Do you have Dropbox in my language?
How do I change my phone number for two-step verification?
How do I get notified of changes in my Dropbox?
How do I unlink my Facebook or Twitter account?
How do I opt out of Dropbox email newsletters and tips?
How do I change the way dates are shown on the website?
Dropbox for Business
What happens when I connect a personal and work Dropbox on my devices?
How do I connect my personal Dropbox and work Dropbox?
I'm a Dropbox for Business user. How do I move files between my Dropboxes?
How do I migrate an existing Basic or Pro Dropbox to Dropbox for Business?
How do I get extra space for connecting a personal and a work Dropbox?
What visibility does connecting my Dropboxes give my admin over my accounts?
If I’m already on Dropbox for Business, how do I connect a personal and a work Dropbox?
What exactly gets transferred when I use account transfer?
What does it look like to connect a personal and a work Dropbox through my mobile device?
I'm a Business account user. How do I rejoin a team folder that I've left or deleted?
How can I keep track of my account transfer activity?
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