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Apple iOS
Why does the Dropbox iOS app need my location data?
How do I reinstall the Dropbox iOS app?
What do I do if the Dropbox iOS app crashes?
Security and device management
I lost my computer or mobile device! How can I delete the Dropbox folder from it?
How do I track a device’s remote wipe status?
Manage photos
How do I use Camera Upload?
How do I enable or disable Camera Upload?
Where are my Camera Uploads?
Why aren't my photos appearing in the mobile app?
Why do the pictures I download from Dropbox appear in Google Plus?
How do I use Camera Upload?
Manage videos
How can I get my movie to play on my phone or tablet?
How do I play videos?
Manage multiple devices
How do I unlink or relink a computer, phone, or tablet from my account?
What happens when I connect a personal and work Dropbox on my devices?
Can I have two Dropbox accounts on the same computer or device?
Frequently asked questions
How do I get free space for uploading photos?
What kinds of files and documents are viewable on my phone or tablet?
Can I register for a Dropbox account on my mobile device?
Can I sign out of just one app?
Can I access Dropbox on my mobile device?
What are Favorites?
Does my existing Dropbox account work with my phone or tablet?
What does it look like to connect a personal and a work Dropbox through my mobile device?
Why do you need location data?
What are the system requirements for the Dropbox mobile app?
How do I use photo albums on my Android device?
How do I share photos from my Android device?
How do I resolve issues with my Android installation?
Why does Dropbox for Android need access to my contacts?
Why does Dropbox for Android need access to my camera?
Email and password
How do I set a passcode on my phone or tablet?
How do I set a passcode?
Is my HTC device eligible for the special promotion?
How do I claim my free space for a mobile promotion?
What happens when my HTC or Samsung promotion expires?
Manage files
How do I upload files from my phone or tablet?
How do I delete files?
How do I remove files from my mobile device?
How much can I store on my mobile device?
What does marking a file as a favorite on my phone or tablet do?
How do I upload files?
How much can I store?
How do I share a file?
What kinds of files can I view on my mobile device?
Dropbox for Business
What happens when I connect a personal and work Dropbox on my devices?
What does it look like to connect a personal and a work Dropbox through my mobile device?
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