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Desktop client and web app
Syncing files and folders
What if Dropbox can't fit my hard drive? Can I select which files to sync?
How do I sync files between computers?
What do I do if Dropbox is stuck syncing, won't launch, or reports an error?
Why aren't certain files on one computer syncing to another?
How does syncing work?
How do I know when Dropbox is syncing?
What is LAN sync?
Can I have Dropbox sync files outside my Dropbox folder?
In what order does Dropbox sync files?
Manage multiple devices
Can I have two Dropbox accounts on the same computer or device?
How do I move my Dropbox to a new computer?
Is there a limit to the number of computers I can link to my account?
Will files I put in Dropbox be synced across other machines even if they're offline?
Getting started
What is a system tray or menu bar?
What is the Dropbox desktop application (client)?
How do I install Dropbox?
What do the icons on my files mean?
Where is my Dropbox folder?
Why aren't my Dropbox icon overlays appearing correctly?
What are the system requirements to run Dropbox?
What are keyboard shortcuts and how do I use them?
What is Growl? How does Dropbox use it?
How do I sort my files?
How do I build the Dropbox installer for Linux from source?
How do I add or remove Dropbox from my Linux repository?
Storage and performance
Is there a limit or maximum to how big my files can be?
What does "OperationalError" or "BrokenTempDirError" mean?
How do I upgrade to the latest version of the Dropbox application?
How do I make Dropbox sync faster or control the bandwidth used?
How do I clear my cache?
Why can't I establish a secure connection?
How do I pause and resume syncing from Dropbox?
My Dropbox has an "x" on it. What's wrong?
Use Selective Sync on your desktop
Why is Dropbox using so much RAM?
Uploads and downloads
How do I add or upload files to my Dropbox?
How much longer until Dropbox is finished uploading/syncing?
Why do files move instead of copy?
Does Dropbox always upload/download the entire file any time a change is made?
Customizing Dropbox
How do I move my Dropbox folder to a new location?
Does Dropbox support connecting through a proxy server?
Do I need to configure my firewall to work with Dropbox?
How do I get Dropbox to work on my corporate network?
How do I add a file to my Facebook group?
Can I host Dropbox on my server?
How can I programmatically find the Dropbox folder paths?
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